



2024-07-20 23:26:58 来源:网络


英语作文:为我的家人准备营养晚餐。 -
The weekend was coming, so I decided to make a dinner for my family. What I wanted to cooked fot me was a dish of mutton carrot noodles。Besides,I prepared beef and potatoes with a bowl of rice and acup of coffee。What‘s more,my mother whose dessert was ice creamnot 有帮助请点赞。
The weekend was coming, so I decided to make a dinner for my family. What I wanted to cooked fot me was a dish of mutton carrot noodles。Besides,I prepared beef and potatoes with a bowl of rice and a后面会介绍。


请用英语写一段话,描述你和妈妈准备做一顿晚餐所需 -
Today I prepared a dinner with mymother. It had been long since last time we two spent some time together so we really valued the opportunity. My mother made the chicken soup while I mixed a type of fusion salad with fresh oranges, almonds, rosemary and Chinese cabbage. then 还有呢?
我妈妈下午四点钟就开始为晚餐做准备了翻译 -
My mother has begun to prepare for the dinner since four o'clock in the afternoon.
My mother is preparing for supper .
四年级英语写一段迈克和爸爸妈妈正准备吃晚餐的一段话 -
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晚餐的单词是dinner,准备的单词是ready,具体用法如下:1、dinner基本意思是“正餐”,指一日间的主餐,有时在中午进餐,有时在晚间进餐。dinner引申可作“宴会”解,通常指大型宴会,也可指“小型家宴”,即请几个朋友到家中聚餐,之后搞些活动,共度夜晚时光。作为表示餐名的名词, dinner可用作可数名词,也说完了。
我妈妈繁忙的一天英语作文带翻译合集 - 百度文库
英语作文范文带翻译:我为妈妈做早餐英语作文范文带翻译:我为妈妈做早餐在一个阳光明媚的早晨,我要为妈妈准备一顿可口的.早饭,庆祝妈妈母亲节快乐! On a sunny morning, I will prepare a delicious breakfast for my mother and celebrate Mother's Day! 我先把切片面包放在烤面包机里烤一下,等到香喷喷时,有帮助请点赞。
周六下午,我帮妈妈来做家务.因为我是一个好女孩并且想要证明我是这个家里有价值的一员.在周日早上,我随父母去拜访我的爷爷奶奶.在下午,我们坐地铁一起去公园玩.因为公园现在正在举行风筝表演活动,我们在风筝表演活动获得很多乐趣. 我们看见各种各样的风筝并且买了一些漂亮的风筝.接着,我们一起去放风筝是什么。